Episode2 WAVE2
5月27日 午後4時32分
May 27 4:32 PM
冬坂五百里: うーん…あれ?
Iori Fuyusaka: Ngh… Huh?
Oh, yeah… I got in this robot, and…
鞍部十郎: よかった…無事みたいだね?
Juro Kurabe: Oh, good… Looks like you're okay.
冬坂五百里: …く、鞍部くん?
Iori Fuyusaka: K-Kurabe-kun?
鞍部十郎: 冬坂さん…君が言った通りになった…
Juro Kurabe: Fuyusaksa-san… Everything you said came true…
冬坂五百里: …怪獣だらけになったでしょ?
Iori Fuyusaka: We got kaiju everywhere, right?
鞍部十郎: やっぱり怪獣は映画で観る方がいいよ…
Juro Kurabe: I think I prefer my kaiju to stay on the silver screen…
Looks like there's more on the way. Can you get your Sentinel up?
冬坂五百里: やってみる…でも…
Iori Fuyusaka: I’ll try, but…
I think it might be broken in some places…
鞍部十郎: 第二世代のその機兵は重量が2,200tもある
Juro Kurabe: You're in a 2nd-generation Sentinel. It weights around 2,200 tons.
What that kind of weight, it can end up crushing its own components if it collapses.
冬坂五百里: いかついロボなのに…コケたらだめなの?
Iori Fuyusaka: This big robot looks so tough. Is it really that useless if it falls over…?
郷登蓮也: 気を抜くな!新たなDの群れが接近している
Renya Gouto: Don’t let your guard down! We have another wave to D-forces inbound.
冬坂五百里: さっきも言ってた、そのDって…?
Iori Fuyusaka: You keep talking about them like that. What are these D-forces?
鞍部十郎: ダイモス…怪獣のことだよ
Juro Kurabe: Deimos. They're the kaiju.
郷登蓮也: D…怪獣は最深部にある中枢を狙っている
Renya Gouto: That’s them. They're trying to reach the mainframe in the depths below.
That’s why they attack every terminal that has a connection to it.
鞍部十郎: 中枢がやられたら…この町は消滅する
Juro Kurabe: If they manage to reach the mainframe… this city will be wiped out.
郷登蓮也: だがこちらは少数だ 守ってばかりではいずれ突破される
それでこのエリアは完全に防御され Dも手を出せなくなる
Renya Gouto: But we can't stay on the defensive forever. With so few of us, we could never sustain it.
Instead, we have to rely on the terminal’s internal defensive. A specialized program.
That puts up an impenetrable shield around the area. The D-forces would be completely locked out.
冬坂五百里: 先生が言ってたイージスね… それ…大丈夫なんですか?
Iori Fuyusaka: That’s gotta be the Aegis System Ms. Morimura was talking about. But… is it even safe to use?
郷登蓮也: 時間稼ぎに使うだけだ
Renya Gouto: We’re only using it to buy time.
冬坂五百里: どうすれば起動できるの…?
Iori Fuyusaka: How do we activate it?
郷登蓮也: 近い方でいい、Dの侵入ポイントまで移動してくれ
Gouto Renya: Whichever one of you is closest, move to the D-forces’ invasion point.
冬坂五百里: 侵入…?怪獣の目指してる地点のこと?
Iori Fuyusaka: Invasion point…? You mean where the kaiju are all trying to get to?
郷登蓮也: そう、そしてその下がターミナルだ
Renya Gouto: Yes. The terminal sits directly below that point.
郷登蓮也: 着いたな
Renya Gouto: You made it.
That’s where you sent the signal to the terminal 300 meters underground.
Either of yours access IDs should be capable to activating it.
冬坂五百里: これで…もう大丈夫?怪獣は来なくなる?
Iori Fuyusaka: And… that’ll fix it? That’s enough to get rid of all the kaiju?
鞍部十郎: いや、まだだよ
Juro Kurabe: No. it won't be that simple.
郷登蓮也: 自己防衛システム… イージスの起動には時間がかかる
Renya Gouto: The defense systems have a long startup. We’ll need to buy enough time for Aegis to initialize.
Until it activates, our mission is to keep the D-forces away from the terminal.
鞍部十郎: やってみます
Juro Kurabe: We’ll try.
ナビ音声: 「警告 D信号接近 攻撃圏内」
「迎撃態勢 戦闘情報処理開始」
“Warning: Deimos signatures identified. Enemy is range.
Preparing to intercept. Initiating tactical analysis.”
郷登蓮也: イージスの起動を確認… これでこのエリアは守られた…
Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed… This area is now protected.
Are your Sentinels still operatonal?
冬坂五百里: まだ大丈夫です
Iori Fuyusaka: Mine’s doing okay.
鞍部十郎: 戦えますよ
Juro Kurabe: I can still fight.
比治山隆俊: 誰だ? 戦っているのか?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Who’s there? Are you fighting?
郷登蓮也: …機兵に乗っているようだな…君こそ誰だ?
Renya Gouto: You're in a Sentinel… You're going to tell me who you are, now.
I believe that’s Sentinel No. 12. Okino’s machine.
比治山隆俊: 俺は比治山隆俊… これは俺の機兵だ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I’m Takatoshi Hijiyama. And this is my Sentinel.
鞍部十郎: 比治山隆俊…そうかあの時、沖野くんといた彼だ
Juro Kurabe: Takatoshi Hijiyama? You were with Okino-kun, before…
比治山隆俊: 人類を守りに来たんだ、こっちは俺に任せておけ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I've come to save the human race. Leave this region to me.
郷登蓮也: 通信が切れた…
彼の機兵位置は把握したが そこからだと離れてるな
Renya Gouto: He cut off his comms…
I've found his Sentinel’s location. But it’s a ways from your position.
冬坂五百里: 一人じゃ…大丈夫なわけないですよね?
Iori Fuyusaka: He's not gonna try taking them all on by himself… is he?
郷登蓮也: 私が行こう…君たちは隣の区域に移動しろ
Renya Gouto: I’ll move to rendezvous. You two should keep going towards the next combat zone.
冬坂五百里: あっ待って…隣ってどっちなの?
Iori Fuyusaka: Oh, wait… Which way is the next zone?
鞍部十郎: こっちだ…僕について来て
Juro Kurabe: It’s this way. Follow me.